Monday, January 4, 2010

Big Pharma Wins Again

By Dr. Evelyn Higgins

The stakes are high. In an industry that understands money prevails and common sense is a lost virtue, big pharma willingly spent $50 billion last year on advertising and over $20 billion on lobbying to make sure their interests remained untouched by the new administration. Today, it appears the industry continues to be brilliant and they played their cards just right, bought off the right people, and once again money prevails. Last October, the now President Barack Obama was campaigning hard to make his new home 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. As he spoke to America, his tale sounded like this: “then we’ll tell the drug companies thanks, but no thanks for overpriced drugs” and “we’ll allow low cost drugs from places like Canada” referring to keeping everyone honest for a better country with a better health care system. We bought it - hook, line and sinker. Wow, was that the smoothest fairytale ever heard about health care and the making of fiscal responsibility for a better America. [more...]

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